
A Vibrant FIS – Part 2

A Vibrant FIS – Part 2

Here is our second and final part of our vibrant student life recap of the past month where we show what our students have been up to.

Dance Sensation

The FIS International Youth Club has done it again! Hot on the heels of their sensational Train to Suntec in February, they followed up with a Saturday of grooving for our Youth Club members taught by a dance instructor from O School.

A Vibrant FIS - Part 2 - Photo 1

Dance Fun

In other dance related news, some of our students stayed back for a while after their Dance Club session a couple weeks ago and had an impromptu free-style dance off! Alerted by our little birds, we managed to take footages of the impromptu performances.

University Admissions Interview Training

While not technically an event or activity per se, it involved quite a few of our students (well, alumni to be precise since they graduated recently) and with its importance to achieving our vision and mission, we just had to include it. Our General Paper teacher, Mr. Jeffrey Rivera, gave personal tutoring sessions to some of our recent graduates, teaching them how to better present themselves and handing out lots of tips on how to ace their respective university admission interviews (or at least give a credible performance). This is a huge boon for our students as these admission interviews are generally the final step of the application procedure! All the best to our alumni at their interviews!

A Vibrant FIS - Part 2 - Photo 2

The Elephant Toothpaste Experiment

The elephant toothpaste experiment isn’t one that is commonly done in a school science laboratory as part of the curriculum. So what made us decide to do it? Well, we wanted to try an experiment that was visually stunning and impactful (and don’t forget safe!), so voila, we agreed on the elephant toothpaste experiment!

All safety precautions were taken and it was a moderate success. While not quite as stunning and impactful as we expected, it still wowed our students. Maybe next time we will try it on a grander scale, just maybe…
