Author: FIS 辅仁

Early Year University Talks at FIS

Early Year University Talks at FIS

Constantly looking to provide our students with more information on their education options after their graduation from FIS, we arranged with 4 of our university associates to provide talks to our students over the past month. These university associates provide conditional offers to our students based on their Graduation Examination results. Here’s a recap of…
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Train To Suntec

Train To Suntec

This past weekend saw the first ever meeting of our International Youth Club. Jumping on the zombie apocalypse trend of late and the recent movie hit, Train to Busan, the first meeting had our students play The Amazing Race while being pursued by zombies! Our students being briefed for the event Our 29 students were…
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Exciting Chinese New Year at FIS

Exciting Chinese New Year at FIS

Everyone has been having a cluckity good time this Chinese New Year and we at FIS are no exception when it comes to celebrating! We have had lots of stuff going on over the past 2 weeks, both for our students as well as staff. Here is a recap of the fun and laughter we…
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Does University Ranking Matter

Does University Ranking Matter

In today’s competitive world where practically everything and anything is ranked, it comes as no surprise a lot more importance is being put into the choosing of university for both undergraduate and post-graduate studies. You may have heard of numerous relatives, friends and even education experts providing their sagely advice by insisting that unless you…
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FIS Achieves Singapore Quality Class Award

FIS Achieves Singapore Quality Class Award

We are glad and proud to announce that FIS has successfully achieved the “Singapore Quality Class” (SQC) certification award by SPRING Singapore, making us one of the few private schools in Singapore to have achieved this distinction. The SQC scheme serves to recognize organisations that have attained a commendable level of performance in their journey…
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A Vietnamese Guide to Study in Singapore

A Vietnamese Guide to Study in Singapore

Studying in Singapore can be rather challenging and at times daunting for foreign students. Not only do you have to get up to speed with a different education syllabus, but also get used to being taught in English which is the main spoken and written language in Singapore. Start at an Early Stage When is…
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A Malaysian Guide to Study in Singapore

A Malaysian Guide to Study in Singapore

Singapore has always been a rather popular destination for Malaysians to pursue their career due to the close relations between the countries, close proximity and a very favourable exchange rate for Malaysians with regards to the salaries one may earn in Singapore compared to the lower cost of living in Malaysia. This tantalising career lure…
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Understanding ACT and SAT

Understanding ACT and SAT

Do you aspire to study in top American universities such as Harvard and Stanford? Or considered enrolling in an American university program locally? Then aiming for a good test score for your American College Test (A.C.T) and Scholastic Assessment Test (S.A.T) is of utmost importance. Though these tests are not required for admissions to renowned…
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A Burmese Guide to Study in Singapore

A Burmese Guide to Study in Singapore

With the recent development of cooperation among the government of Myanmar and Singapore as well as other nations, Myanmar has begun attracting an increasing number of tourists from other parts of Asia. With visa no longer required for citizens from certain countries, including Singapore, the tourism and service sector in Myanmar looks to receive a…
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Historical Moment for FIS Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade

Historical Moment for FIS Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade

The morning of 12 November 2016 marked a significant moment in FIS history with our first batch of boys’ and girls’ brigade receiving their Target Badge to signify their completion of basic training and the signing of Memorandum of Understanding with both the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade. It was an early morning for our boys…
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