Category: News

Wish Everyone A Very Happy Deepavali!!!

Wish Everyone A Very Happy Deepavali!!!
As one of the major cultural festivals in Singapore, Deepavali (also known as “Diwali” or the “Festival of Lights” is a celebration that marks the triumph of good over evil. The day is typically celebrated by dressing up in traditional clothes, lighting up lamps and candles, visiting temple for a service and enjoying favourite dishes…
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Dental Hygiene Talk 🦷🦷🦷

Dental Hygiene Talk 🦷🦷🦷
Do you know that October is National Dental Hygiene Month? It is now as good as ever to review the basics of our oral health. Oral health is deeply connected to overall health as well, which is why staying on top of the basics is critical.   FIS is honored to welcome Dr Lynden Yap…
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We are here for you!

We are here for you!
We realise how stressful examinations can be. However, you are not alone! We are committed to aiding you at every stage of your academic journey! Please contact your Student Mentor if you are concerned or anxious about upcoming examinations and tests. We can assist you and we will make the time to assist you.
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Graduation ceremony

Graduation ceremony
It is that time of the year again!   We are proud to announce that our graduating classes celebrated their graduation on Friday, 7 Oct. Mr Marcus Clayton kick-started the graduation ceremony with a warm welcome, followed by a speech by Ms Li Wei. FIS students also came together to put up performances before certificates…
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STEM presentation

STEM presentation
Our STEM project has come to an end. Students were delivering their final presentations to exhibit their individuality, originality, problem-solving abilities, practicability and presentation skills on October 3rd. The STEM project provides opportunity for students to gain early exposure to research in STEM fields and be challenged by the intellectually stimulating process of scientific research.…
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Practical exercise in FIS

Practical exercise in FIS
In preparation for the upcoming CIE exam, FIS students are due to take up a physics practical. So what is practical physics?   Practical Physics is a collection of experiments that demonstrate a wide range of physical concepts and processes. Practical activities enhance students' abilities of observation, stimulate questions and assist in the development of…
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FIS monthly newsletter – October

FIS monthly newsletter – October
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FIS Project week – September

FIS Project week – September
The School conduct a Project Week upon completion of a unit of class. In September, we have the Chiangmai Volunteering project, a Video Skills workshop, a Spreadsheet workshop, a Singapore history fair and a series of English week activities. Students not only enjoyed an incredible experience, but also the opportunity to expand their skills, knowledge…
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Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) 2022

Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) 2022
Heartiest congratulations to Yang Yifan, Jin Weifeng and Yang Tonghang for receiving the Silver Award and Honourable Mention in the Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) 2022 held this June.   The Singapore Mathematical Society organises the SMO to evaluate participants' inventiveness and mathematical problem-solving abilities, as well as to uncover and develop mathematical talents in Singapore.
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Something smells great in our school 🌸 🌼 🌻 💐 🌷

Something smells great in our school 🌸 🌼 🌻  💐 🌷
You're wrong if you thought Eco Club only works with the programmes and activities to encourage others to reduce pollution and plant trees. They also help in improving our school environment and atmosphere by making scented sachets!
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