Category: Students

FIS Talent Show

FIS Talent Show
Every child is proud of their accomplishments and has their own strengths. FIS students have the perfect chance to show off their fun talent to friends and teachers during the FIS Talent Show in exchange for some recognition and encouragement. Are you ready for the explosion of talents?
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Furen Press – 3rd edition

Furen Press – 3rd edition
  The Furen Press is a school magazine written by students of FIS. The students aim to cover various topics of interest while maintaining a theme: Stories that are above the ordinary. In this third issue, the magazine delivers the School News, Student Spotlight and Investigative Pieces in addition to demonstrating how teachers and students…
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Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) 2023 results

Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) 2023 results
Heartiest congratulations to Li Qingrui who has received the Bronze Award and Guo Xingchen, Jiang Bohan, Wu Xuchao and Lin Santiago Leandro who have received the Honourable Mention in the Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) 2023.   The Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) is an annual mathematics competition organised by the Singapore Mathematical Society. SMO is the…
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Subject activities during Project week

Subject activities during Project week
As part of the project week, students have the chance to participate in English Language Interactive and IELTS Intensive classes, MAT/ SMO/ STEP/ EMC workshop, and physics and chemistry practical lessons. Our students not only enjoyed an incredible learning experience, but they also had the opportunity to broaden their skills, knowledge and abilities outside the…
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Sustainable Future Leaders Program (SFLP)

Sustainable Future Leaders Program (SFLP)
The SFLP program concluded the week with a bang. FIS students had a great time at Singapore's top-ranked university, National University of Singapore. Through dynamic teamwork and inspirational brainstorming, students gained a deeper understanding of sustainability and leadership activities. The goal of this program is to develop students' awareness of current global trends, to make…
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Perfect five teachers at FIS

Perfect five teachers at FIS
Heartiest congratulations to our perfect 5.0 teachers (with at least 40 student participants in the survey) during the Student survey of teacher! Following are teachers that received 5.0 from their students: Mr Wang Ruijiang, Ms Chen Xuan and Mr Mohamed Ali Rauff. Once again, congratulations and well done, teachers!
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Thailand STEM project

Thailand STEM project
During our project week, we have the Thailand STEM Project. FIS students visited the Robotics Institute at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) to have an in-depth conversation with local students. In addition, FIS students also explore the Thymio Robot designed by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), ranked 36th on the QS…
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Cambridge November Series Exams at FIS

Cambridge November Series Exams at FIS
Being one of the Cambridge Assessment International Education test centres, FIS is currently holding the CIE A-Level November 2023 series examinations now.   Here’s wishing our students all the best with their examinations!
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Australia study tour – September 2023

Australia study tour – September 2023
An Australia study tour was led by Mr. Diego from 15-24 September in order to provide our students an engaging and rewarding experience. They visit some of the most popular destinations for study excursions, such as the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales, and the University of Melbourne. We believe our students…
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FIS monthly newsletter – October 2023

FIS monthly newsletter – October 2023
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