Category: Students

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
The year 2020 was a rollercoaster ride filled with numerous ups, downs, twists, and turns, but we finally make it through all the struggles. Here is welcoming a better 2021!
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Enjoy the Christmas Day celebrations with our Vice Principal and teachers

Enjoy the Christmas Day celebrations with our Vice Principal and teachers
Making our students' Christmas season at school as magical and memorable as it can be. Last Saturday, students enjoyed the Christmas Day celebrations with our Vice Principal and teachers.
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FIS Top graduate student

FIS Top graduate student
Zhang Bowen, our FIS Top Graduate Student in 2019, scored As in Math, Physics, and Chemistry at GCE A-level, and was accepted by National University of Singapore (NUS). He is glad that he made a decision to continue his study at FIS after the failure of GaoKao, because FIS gave him confidence and guided him…
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Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
This Christmas, may your presents be many, your worries few, and your joy endless.
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FIS Learning journey

FIS Learning journey
Last week, our students stepped into the dazzling National Stadium for their learning journey. Badminton, Pingpong, basketball, students participated in a wide variety of activities there, and also drew inspiration from Singapore’s sporting dream.
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University advising

University advising
Keen on pursuing a medical degree after high school? Mr. Ken was invited to give a talk on medical school advising for our high school students. Mr. Ken shared with students how to prepare academically, what extracurricular opportunities they should look for, and what should be considered when applying to medical schools. It was a…
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A talk on Ancient Egypt!

A talk on Ancient Egypt!
Guess what is holding the audience spellbound? A talk on Ancient Egypt! Huge thank you to our Student Librarian, Wang Xiaosong, who loves history and is knowledgeable about the ancient Egypt, we have gained a deep insight into this mysterious country. Look forward to next interesting “Brown Bag Talk".
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Agent network of FIS

Agent network of FIS
Congratulations to our new business partner – Singapore Economics and Management Advisory Pte Ltd! We look forward to your contributions, and we know you will play a key role in propelling FIS forward for years to come.
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Lunchtime talk by FIS Alumni

Lunchtime talk by FIS Alumni
A pair of Furen's illustrious alumni returned to the school to shed light on the demands and interview preparation needed for university entrance. Each of our former FIS students is A* calibre. Both are now freshmen at NUS, studying engineering: civil and chemical, and were able to express the challenges faced in learning new subject…
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English drama

English drama
Twenty-two Middle Schoolers Three months of hard work English drama Safe environment Stimulating education workshops Put these together and we were in for a fun-filled time. This morning, it was immensely rewarding to witness the hard work these students and their Drama teacher, Ms. Gidwani, as they brought the play “The Magic Pasta Pot” alive.…
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