
End of Year University Talks at FIS

End of Year University Talks at FIS

In line with our mission of helping our students secure entry to world-renowned universities, we have not only worked hard to drastically increase the number of university recognitions in 2017 by nearly doubling the figure from last year to our current 70, but also expanded our Student Development team that provides education pathway counselling, university application training and actual university application. As our graduating students get ready to to sit for their O and A-Level examinations, we invited representatives of 4 new partner universities to provide additional information for our graduating students on their university choices upon graduating.

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Adelphi University and University of South Carolina

Although we have not had many cases of our alumni pursuing their higher education in the United States previously, it was due more to a lack of knowledge on the application procedures and requirements required by the universities there rather than a lack of interest. Noting the interest in our students in pursuing their higher education in the United States, we invited Mr. Tim Carnley, Partnership Director, Asia, of International University Alliance; and Ms. Tonya Creamer, Career Accelerator Program Advisor of University of South Carolina, on 26 September 2017 for a sharing session with our students on what student life in the United States is like as well as the requirements and what one can expect from studying at those two universities.

Loyola University Chicago 

We had the honour of inviting Ms. Eliza Plous, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission at Loyola University Chicago, to FIS on 5 October 2017 to a packed lecture hall! Known for their majors in the field of life sciences, Ms. Eliza Plous did not disappoint our students with an animated presentation and interactive Q&A session with our curious students.

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Wentworth Institute

Not all of the new universities that recognise our graduation examination results for application are from the United States. On 29 September 2017, we warmly welcomed Mr. Thomas Yang from Wentworth Institute for a small seminar with students interested in pursuing their future education in Australia and would like to know more about what Wentworth Institute has to offer for international students.
