FIS Students Shine in Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest 2017

The results for the 2017 Singapore Math Kangaroo Contest (SMKC) 2017 has been released and we are proud our students have fared exceedingly well while competing against students from 4 other schools in the Junior College category: St. Andrews Junior College, Innova Junior College, Tampines Junior College and Stamford American School.
The SMKC is a unique competition, and it is different from the other math competitions in that its syllabus is less advanced than other Olympiad competitions and students can compete without the need for any special training or advanced knowledge. SMKC questions are set during the Annual Math Kangaroo Conference that is attended by 150 educators from 70 countries. With that many math brainpower focused on creating interesting problems, SMKC has the best math problems in the world for all students to enjoy solving.
Congratulations to our following students who received 7 of the 16 gold awards available!
Chen Yuhui
Zhang Qianyuan
Liu Haoran
Liu Haoyan
Zheng Sitan
Cao Yuwen
Xie Peining

For a full list of the results, click here.