Student Medical Insurance

Group Student Outpatient Insurance

FIS provides outpatient insurance for all its full-time students and the annual limit is SGD500.00 per student.

The specific claim process:

  1. Students are required to file with Student Services.
  2. Students need to retain complete documentation of their medical treatment.
  3. Timely submission of relevant documents (within one month).

Furen International School Group Student Outpatient Insurance


Hospitalisation Medical Insurance

FIS provides medical insurance for all its full-time students to cover them for hospitalisation and related medical treatment throughout their course duration. The appointed medical insurance provider for FIS is Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd (Policy: SD23M05301).

The following categories of students can opt out of the medical insurance scheme if they are already covered by their own medical insurance:

  • Singapore citizens, permanent residents and international students not on Student’s Pass, and
  • Students under corporate sponsorship / agreement signed between the FIS and sponsor organisation.

However, they must provide FIS with a copy of their medical insurance policy and demonstrate that their policy meets the following EduTrust requirements:

  • Annual limit not less than SGD20,000 per student
  • at least B2 ward stay (in government and restructured hospitals); and
  • 24 hours coverage in Singapore and overseas (for students involved in school related activities)

Claiming Methods

This is a refund insurance plan, in other words, the insured student has to pay for the medical fees by him/herself when he/she is hospitalised.

The student has to submit a claim form with the assistance of the School.

FIS will submit the claim on behalf of the student and upon confirmation from the medical insurance provider; the School will inform the student of the claim outcome.


Interpretation of this medical insurance policy is based on the original contract provided by the insurance company in English.

Medical insurance is not applicable to part-time students and students taking courses shorter than one month or 50 hours.

The student may wish to increase coverage and can purchase additional insurance coverage by themselves or with the assistance of FIS.

Furen International School Medical Insurance Certificate – Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Group Hospital & Surgical Claim Form
