What to Look For When Choosing a University

The all-important question that most people ask when it approaches the time for them to choose university education destination is, ‘what should I look for when choosing a university?’. The slow global economy outlook of late has made answering this question all the more important.
As Human Resources managers in companies become more stringent in their search for optimal candidates with the right skill sets due to the economic slowdown, the importance of earning your degree from a highly recognized university has never been more important. Some may argue a good qualification does not determine suitability for a job as employers increasingly look out for non-academic related qualities. However, upon comparison, there is no doubt that possessing a degree from a highly recognized and renowned university will stand you in good stead when securing that coveted job upon graduation. Hence, choosing a university, or should we say, choosing a good university is of utmost importance.
Below we present the top 3 things to consider when making your decision.
1. University Ranking
Popular annual university rankings publication, QS World University Rankings, takes employer reputation as 1 of its 10 indicators to compile its rankings, while numerous employment surveys have consistently shown that graduates from higher ranked universities do have better employment opportunities compared to those from lower ranked universities. With a seemingly direct linear relationship between university rankings and employability, it seems university rankings, especially the QS World University Rankings, may be a key criteria employers look out for.
Of course, many other factors such as experience, expected salary and your presentation play their part in determining the right candidate. However, that degree certificate from a higher ranked university might just allow you to get the nod ahead of others. So, go for it!
2. Curricular Activities
The corporate and academic worlds are 2 very different places. When looking for employees with leadership and teamwork qualities, employers will most likely look beyond academic qualifications and instead turn their eyes and attention to activities that cultivate such qualities. Were you the captain of your campus’ soccer team or president of your local toastmasters club? Those who are employed based on their leadership skills will be more invaluable to their companies.
Therefore, a university that either offers a large range of curricular activities for its students or has a strong track record in your preferred activity will allow you to be a step closer to your future dream job.
3. Internship Programme
You probably have heard of the importance of internship. This is where you pick up valuable job experience and get to showcase what you have learnt during your time in university. Like most seniors will tell you, “an internship almost guarantees you a job”.
Good universities have great connections with numerous great companies. Hence, when the opportunity to work as an intern for a renowned company pops up, do grab it with both hands! The key factor in achieving a career is to apply more than what you learnt at school. Qualities such as communication, presentation, cooperation and efficient work delivery are skills you should display during the course of your internship to provide a great impression and give your budding career a kick start.
Therefore, look for a good university with track records of recommending students to top companies for internship as they will open the doors of opportunities for you even before your graduation day.
In a nutshell, keep both your eyes open for these 3 key points when choosing your university; university ranking, curricular activities on offer and a great internship programme. A more convenient or confident way of choosing a good university is to get the help of consultants from your pre-university institutes to do a profile on you and find a suitable university based on your qualities and interests. Happy searching!