俗话说“读万卷书,不如行万里路”,有时候知识往往不是最主要的,更多时候一个人的见识更能决定未来的走向。此次去往柬埔寨暹粒考察当地的学校以及体验当地生活,让我真正感受到了现如今所拥有的条件对于贫困地区的人来说是多么奢侈。在柬埔寨,贫富差距很大,对于贫困家庭的孩子而言,上学时连一双像样的鞋子都没有,甚至是赤着脚。常年的内战给这个国家的经济和人民带来了沉重的打击。当地的教学系统普遍不完善,此时,如果有外来的人愿意帮助他们,这将会是一件十分有意义的事情。就像这回在BBLC接待我们的老师所说:“give them hope,give them posibility‘’。给他们带去希望和可能性,而不是直接的施舍,授人以鱼不如授人以渔,自己的国家需要他们自己创造,而此时此刻我们所能帮助的,就是尽自己的所学所见来帮助他们了解这个世界以及帮助他们建立一个正确的观念,告诉他们接下去应该怎么做。帮助他们的同时,也在帮助自己,这次旅行让我收获了很多新鲜事物,使得自己更加珍惜现如今所拥有的。
Personally, I really enjoyed this learning journey. Together with my trip mates, I learnt a lot regarding community service. Going on this trip helped me experience the environment in Cambodia, and increased my understanding of how we can contribute to the learning environment in Cambodian schools. We have come up with a few plans on what we want to pursue in our June trip. Apart from the knowledge I acquired, I am grateful for this trip because of the bonds and friendships we built between ourselves. I look forward to going back to Siem Reap in June, hopefully with more students, and commit ourselves fully during the trip.
I am very grateful for having this precious opportunity to volunteer in Cambodia. I had a great time with the local people and my teammates during the trip. It is a really special experience to me. I had learned how to collaborate with others. Besides, I studied the local culture and custom. We are able to help the poor students to learn more knowledges and build up their English foundation through conducted some teachings in BBLC ( Boy’s Brigade Learning Center )which trained our leadership and benefit the students in the same time. Moreover, we are so lucky that we can watch the sunrise in Angkor Wat and visit one of the largest religious monuments in the world. It is not only a meritorious but also meaningful journey to all of us!